THOUGHTS – NEox sound project

– I consider my music experimental not because of sonic variations, the inclusion of unusual noises or atypical instruments, but because it seeks the alchemy between sound, the energy it carries, and its effects on us.

– Sound is energy, and if the entire universe consists of an energetic manifestation of the cosmic system, we have no reason to fear darkness. Fear limits us and prevents us from taking flight. In other words, knowledge is key to expanding our consciousness. Music unlocks the potential for a resonant connection, stimulating the imagination and overcoming these limitations.

– I believe true illumination cannot be reached without first knowing and confronting darkness, learning to master oneself on this journey. Nor can one enter darkness without the firm intention of finding the light of wisdom and freedom. Without this understanding, both light and darkness blind us.

– “Clarity is as dark as darkness is bright.” The difference lies in how each can blind us. Clarity can blind us with fanaticism, disguised prejudice, and arrogance toward those who are different. Darkness, on the other hand, can confuse imagination with illusion, leading us into a labyrinth of pride and trivialities. Both can make us prisoners and slaves of the ego. Love resides in both, but only when free from duality and the veil of prejudice.

– Making music and creating art is like molding energy—a multidimensional and eternal message.

– I am a flying musician. I don’t have wings in the physical realm, but I use my mind to fly. I create music for this purpose: to experience other sensations and other worlds on the wings of imagination, whether light or dark.

– Do not exploit others, do not become corrupt, respect everyone, and do not judge. This is the starting point for creation, like a blank canvas ready to be painted, imbued with dedication, professionalism, continuous improvement, and dignity. In this way, I believe art achieves its full potential through pure essence, not vanity.

– Art and conscience: building a planet of peace, free from cruelty.
I invite you to dive into a world of imagination and introspection—more than just listening, I invite you to feel it.

                                                                                     Thoughts of DaNe DaNiel 

( NddN @neoxsound )


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