NDDN – NEox sound project

Throughout my life and artistic career, I was struck by an intense desire: the need to express my ideas, experiences, and feelings through music. I stopped composing for commercial success or fame, no longer concerned with crafting the next “Hit Parade.”

With nearly 400 songs composed over 25 years (as of October 2006), my compositions gradually became the soundtrack of everything I lived, witnessed, and felt. Above all, I felt a deep yearning to understand something beyond mere human existence—more than simply living day to day, oblivious to our true purpose.

This introspection led me to reflect on humanity: the history of wars, our behaviors, the futility of greed, and our tendency to repeat the same mistakes. I believe no ideology can break this vicious cycle without a fundamental shift in human consciousness—a development of compassion, empathy, discernment, and the realization that our existence transcends the material world.

Through music, writing, and enigmatic images, I set out to tell a story: the saga of a Celestial Being who eventually strayed from his mission, giving in to excessive pride, believing he could defeat all evil alone, but he ended up being seduced and, therefore, enslaved in a world of darkness This tale illustrates his imprisonment and his relentless search for the paths that lead to liberation.

I see myself reflected in this Being, in the choices and mistakes that led it—and me—into life’s labyrinth. Not as a hero, but as someone striving to transcend human limitations and overcome psychic blocks. Gathering the keys and seeking to reclaim my wings, I strive for eventual return—to break free from this cycle that binds us all. In this quest, we find common purpose.

DaNe DaNiel

NEox sound project

Oct / 2006


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